Thus Far...

Just this past September, I revisited writing regularly in this blog.  If you have been following along with me, you may have made a list of 25 Words to describe yourself.  After that, you might have developed a self-care plan by making a list of ways to take care of yourself, then organizing this list. In addition, there was my soapbox about memes floating across social media (piggy backing on a blog post by a friend and fellow therapist). I added a few resources to my resource page via some blog posts about a couple of books and a website. I got a little philosophical about our flaws and discussed looking at our life's story as A Hero's Journey. And...with any luck, maybe you got to thinking about doing something creative and focusing on gratitude. There's a quick recap of some of the highlights in my blogging for the last few months.  I think it is good for us to look at our own lives periodically and see what we've done "thus far."  Grab your journal and strive to list 25 accomplishments you've made this year.  I can hear some of you now....TWENTY-FIVE????  Are you kidding me?  I know!   It sounds like a lot, but we often don't celebrate or "count" some of our accomplishments that we ought to.  I've gotten grief in the past for making a number too high and setting some up for failure.  And I totally get it if you want to make the number smaller or expand higher than one year.  Take care of yourself.  Maybe, though, just for the next couple of weeks, see if you can set aside a couple pages out of your journal and see how close you can get to 25 accomplishments this year! In this blog post, I reviewed the last few months of me blogging and included 10 links that one could argue are 10 different accomplishments in their own way, some were very practical accomplishments and others were simply accomplishments by way of sharing myself. Okay, one of the ten links is a link to a friend's blog that I felt inspired to link to again.  So....I know what I am writing about next week, so I'll link that up here later.