Many years ago, I was struggling with my daughter, not sleeping through the night. I started looking online for others with the same struggle. When I was dealing with another struggle with my son a few years ago, I did the same thing. As I think about it, when I have the presence of mind and am going through a struggle, I look for someone else who has had a similar journey. It helps me so much to know I am not alone. It inspires me to know this doesn't have to be forever, or if it is forever, we can find a way to cope where we don't feel like it is such a struggle. 

As a therapist, I get to sit front row for some amazing stories! Stories of insight…of transformation….of overcoming! I have said to many of my clients that I could see them writing a book or an article or a blog. Maybe I can see them speaking to various audiences. Sure, they don't owe this to anyone. They certainly don't owe this to me. But if they were to decide to explore that avenue and share their story, I think it could be an inspiration to many. Earlier this week, I shared a quote on social media by Rosie Molinary. If you aren't familiar with her, check her out. The quote this week spoke to me on such a deep level. I am hoping it will for you as well.

Your vulnerability is meant for building community, not walls. You have everything you need inside of you. You always have. Now, what you must know is that the world is aching for you to show up as you are. It won't just change you. It will change everything.

I am writing this out and putting it on my mirror. I am going to show up more. Will you join me? You are the hero of your story. The world is aching for us!


In This Together


Protecting the Vulnerable