Body Image & Eating Disorders

Virtual therapy anywhere in Texas; In-person in Grapevine, TX.

“What if we did not feel shame about our bodies, especially when we were naked? … What if we saw our bodies as these amazing vessels, capable of so many things?”

– Jamie English, PhD, LCSW-S

Ever feel like you want to zip off your skin and step out as someone else?

Like, when you look in the mirror and all you see is stuff you want to change?

Social events feel like minefields – no, I do NOT want to take a selfie – and don’t get me started on dating or jumping into bed with someone … 

… yeah, right.

Eating? What even is normal eating anymore? Meanwhile, endless diets promise the moon and deliver nothing but frustration and a side of guilt.

Social media’s relentless parade of 'perfect' bodies doesn’t help, either.

Life's too awesome to spend it at war with your body.

Like, being able to enjoy a beach day, rocking that swimsuit without spending all day worried what others think or hiding behind a giant cover-up.

Or going on a date and focusing on laughing and flirting, not stressing if they are judging your appearance.

Imagine intimacy where you’re not thinking about body parts you hate because you’re genuinely lost in the moment—yeah, that’s the good stuff.

And those nasty body thoughts? They pop up less and less, and when they do, you know how to shut them down and move on.

They call me the “The Body Image Whisperer.”

Since 2013, I've been in the trenches with folks who fight their mirrors every day and wrestle with their meals every night.

I’ve torn apart and rebuilt my own body story, and I'm all in to help you do the same.

I live by the rules of Health at Every Size (HAES) and Intuitive Eating because I believe in them, deeply.

This isn’t about just getting by; it’s about changing how you see your body and how you live with it every day.

This therapy is for anyone…

  • Struggling with body image

  • Battling eating disorders

  • Overwhelmed by diet culture

  • Seeking a healthier relationship with food

  • Concerned about body image and intimacy

  • Seeking self-acceptance and freedom

Stop the war with your body and start living more fully.