What's on Your List?

Thanks to Facebook, I was reminded that in 2009 I posted 25 random facts about myself, except I posted 100. 

According to my post, I cut and pasted from a personal blog from 2007 (with some updates). Reading this list from over a decade ago, I found it a little bit fun and nostalgic. I was a smidge saddened to see some diet culture showing up, but only a couple of posts related to that. Other things had changed because we are ever-changing beings, learning and growing and evolving, right? That is a good thing! 

Back to the list, I think this could be a fun activity to remind ourselves that we are so much more than the size of our bodies. My personal blog had 100, which I then posted (and updated) on Facebook a couple of years later. Let me list a few here from that list (but now with more commentary):

  • I can make balloon animals. (I think I can still do this, but I haven't in a really long time. I don't even think I have the materials anymore.)

  • I was born in the same hospital that John F. Kennedy was pronounced dead in. (My original claim to fame. I've used this one several times when playing two truths and a lie, you know that game?

  • I have like almost NO hand-eye coordination; When I am at the eye doctor, and he does that test where I am supposed to see double....I NEVER see double....I've baffled a few eye doctors over the years; Speaking of eye doctors, when I don't have any corrective lenses on at all, I can't see the E. (This was 3 in one, but they seem related.)

  • I read several books at one time. (This drives my hubby nuts that I do this, but I think he's accepted it over the years.)

  • I know how to crochet and cross-stitch, but it doesn't relax me in the least, so they are chores when I decide to take up a project. (This is still true, and I have tried to find a way to make it relaxing. I want to enjoy these activities more.)

  • As a kid, I had several guinea pigs as pets. (I still love them, but I have graduated to a cat lady now. A video sometimes goes around of two guinea pigs, one eating and the other staring off into space, having an existential crisis. I so love that video.)

  • I generally eat all of one food on my plate before going on to the next….I mess with people and say I eat in alphabetical order, but I don't. (I haven't paid attention to this, but I am gonna guess I still do this.)

  • I was a breastfeeding peer counselor for a short while when my youngest was a baby. (I love being able to come alongside anyone who needs a little support.)

  • I cannot curl my tongue, although the rest of my family can. (This was referring to my husband and kids. I am not sure about my family of origin. I still cannot. I had another one on the list for trilling my R's, which I cannot, but my husband and kids can. I wonder if these are related?)

  • I have a strange ability to identify voices in cartoons and commercials. (Not always, not 100%, but it is there and can be fun. There's a commercial or two that I keep hearing Bryan Cranston voice over. Have you heard it?)

I think it is fun to notice things about yourself. What would be on your list?


Gratitude Practices


There Is No Ladder