I took an impromptu break from social media. Trouble sleeping, racing thoughts, endless arguments on my feed—it all had me feeling upset. Strange, right? People I barely knew saying things to other people I barely knew. So, I hit the snooze button on social media for a while, unsure for how long.

I focused on real-life connections, folks I've hugged or seen (safely) in person. After a few weeks, I slowly dipped back in, scrolling quietly, avoiding posting. If you feel the same, here's how to consider your own social media snooze:

  1. Define what you truly want from social media. I love a few features—inspiration, "on this day" reminders. Maybe others find a complete exit more fitting. For now, I needed a break, not a goodbye.

  2. Watch your response to the break. Constantly felt drawn to click? I was too. Even my usual cat or elephant picture fixes were off-limits. I craved total silence from it all.

  3. Keep checking in with yourself. I aimed for a week but found that wasn't enough for the calm I sought. Extensions are fine—listen to what you need.

  4. Do it your way. I had daily check-ins but allowed myself a post for the future. After my planned month, I felt better at two weeks, so I dabbled cautiously. Your rules, your pace.

  5. Clean up your feed before diving back in. It's refreshing. I did a quick friend/follow audit before resuming.

During my social media snooze, I noticed a few things. Take what helps and forget the rest. Feels good to be back in the online world—blogging and posting!


Still Missing a Step Here and There


Free Fall